Monday, March 26, 2012

US Supreme Court begins hearing..

.. on the health care mandate. I am not trained in law but in the parlance of software something does not seem to compute. For an analogy, I may be the safest and the most conservative driver but I have not heard anyone stand up for my right to not have to buy minimum mandated insurance to be able to operate my vehicle. I may be the most healthy person around, but even so the tax dollars does provide for the ultimate insurance for life's uncertainly and unpredictability. If I drop flat in the middle of a public or private space, people around are going to call 911 without having the opportunity to talk with me about whether or not I am paying tax dollars for this, and the hospital will treat me first and find this out later. So what's the big deal about adding a penalty or tax surcharge for individuals to pay, if they don't buy the minimum mandated health insurance?

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