Thursday, June 30, 2011

New facebook or new failure for GOOG?

I like the circles thing..actually developed a little app using Google cloud a while back before becoming a facebook user and I think Google got the idea! :-) I am looking forward to new ideas to implement if any of you friends suggest a good one..

Saturday, June 25, 2011


Discovered pandora recently..has some cool patented technology based on the music genome project..personal radio station on the desktop, laptop, netbook, tablet, mobile..great way to discover and branch into new music based on what you listen to and like..

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Thumbs up to Steve Jobs!

I cannot think of any two people more than Bill Gates and Steve Jobs who have changed the consumer experience for electronic computing, the former by his ruthless business acumen surrounding Windows and the latter by his amazing style, elegance, simplicity and beauty filled engineering surrounding iGadgets.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Interesting consideration

 Belgium has not had a government for about a year now due to some stalemate. However, the deficit has narrowed and the unemployment rate has gone down!